Fragment (Border), A.D. 1250/1470
Bear's Paw Shoe, 16th century
Fragment (Border), 17th century
Fragment of a Chair Seat, c. 1888
Thomas Wardle
Circular Chair Seat, c. 1780
Philippe de La Salle
Bedcover (Pumpkin Blossom Quilt), 1848/50
Mrs. George F. Gale
Cloth for a Mandarin, 1983
Terry A. Gentille
Money Pouch, c. 1839
V. S. Aksolsky
Two Border Fragments, 1880s/90s
Pair of Sandals, 19th century
Waistcoat Design, 1830s/40s
Printing Screen for Groves, 1955
Ben Rose
Bouquet Garni (Furnishing or Drapery Fabric), 1976
Don Wight
Braided Cord, 1900/50