Art Institute Chicago
Harvard art museum
My Exhibition
Fan, 1725/1875
Panel Intended as a Pillow Cover, 1930
Vogue Needlecraft Co., Inc.
Handkerchief, 19th century
Border, 1880/90
Purse, 1901/25
Blouse (Huipil), 1900/50
Pair of Lappets (Joined), 1875/1900
Shoe (Toe), 16th century
Pole Screen, 18th century
Shoulder Cape, c. 1900
Panel, 1601/25
Waistcoat Design, 1830s/40s
Picture (Needlework), Probably 19th century
Panel, 1845
Sash (Banda) or Belt (Faja), 1930/39
Purse, 19th century
Collar, 1885/1900
Handkerchief, 1875/1900
Sole of a Clog, 15th century
Panel (Furnishing Fabric), c. 1815
Bannister Hall Print Works