Under the Wave off Kanagawa (Kanagawa oki nami ura), also known as The Great Wave, from the series "Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji (Fugaku sanjūrokkei)", 1830/33
Katsushika Hokusai
The Grace of the Mountain, 1949 (printed 1952)
Munakata Shikô
The Bee, from Histoire naturelle, 1936, published May 26, 1942
Pablo Picasso
The Flatiron, 1903, printed 1920/39
Alfred Stieglitz
The Coiffure, 1890–91
Mary Cassatt
Visitation, from Book of Hours, n.d.
Philippe Pigouchet
The Other's Health, plate nine from Intimacies, 1898
Félix Edouard Vallotton
Caribbean Sea, Jamaica, 1980, printed 1991
Hiroshi Sugimoto
The Bad Doctors, 1895
James Ensor
Three Standing Nudes, With Sketches of Faces, plate nine from Le Chef d'oeuvre inconnu, 1927, printed and published 1931
Pablo Picasso
The Kiss on the Sidewalk (Le Baiser du Trottoir), 1950, printed 1979
Robert Doisneau
Baltic Steamer (Ostsee Dampfer), 1918
Lyonel Feininger
Cathedral, 1919–23
Lyonel Feininger
The Check Cloth Bodice, March 26, 1949
Pablo Picasso
Sitting Nude Rear, New York, 1993, printed June 1994
Irving Penn
Painter Working Observed by Nude Model, plate eight from Le Chef d'oeuvre inconnu, 1927–28, printed and published 1931
Pablo Picasso
House at Witebsk, plate eleven from Mein Leben, 1922, published 1923
Marc Chagall
Ancient No. 1 (Mukashi No. 1), 1960
Yoshida Masaji
“Come on in, Monsieur, don't be shy. It's a living picture.... just like (you'd see) at the Porte St. Martin,” plate 62 from Les Bons Bourgeois, 1847
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Town at the World's End, 1919
Lyonel Feininger