Decorative Floral Print, from A Collection of Flowers Drawn after Nature, 1793
John Edwards
Les Propos de Thomas Vireloque: Man the Masterpiece of Creation, 1852
Paul Gavarni
Poisson III: La Fleur Marine, n.d.
Johnny Friedlaender
Untitled, from Screen Prints 1970, 1970
Andy Mauldin
Adolphe ou Le Jeune Homme Triste, 1894, published before 1910
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Sanbaso Dance in a Brothel (Ageya sanbaso), no. 1 from a series of 12 prints depicting parodies of plays, c. 1716/35
Okumura Masanobu
Child Attendant and Bald Tengu of Mt. Kurama (Kaburo Kurama Tengu), no. 7 from a series of 12 prints depicting parodies of plays, c. 1716/35
Okumura Masanobu
Servitude, from Re-print, 2009
Vincent Geyskens
Demogorgon in the Cave of Eternity, plate one from Demogorgon and the Deities, c. 1588–90
Hendrick Goltzius
“- What a fuss this sour-face from the fifth floor is making! Wearing a hat just to buy two cups of milk for one sou! - Oh, Madame Capitaine, aren't we fancy today...,” plate 36 Types Parisiens, 1840
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Comb Rashomon (Sashigushi Rashomon), no. 3 from a series of 12 prints depicting parodies of plays, c. 1716–35
Okumura Masanobu
An Impossible Feat by Imaginary Men, no. 8 from a series of 12 prints, c. 1708
Okumura Masanobu
The Ox Cart, from the Suite of Late Wood-Block Prints, 1898/99
Paul Gauguin
Red, White and Blue, from 1776 USA 1976: Bicentennial Prints, 1975
Richard Anuszkiewicz
Funeral Rites in the Forest, plate 4 from Méndez: 25 Prints, 1945
Leopoldo Méndez
The Armadillo, plate 3 from Méndez: 25 Prints, 1945
Leopoldo Méndez
May Belfort, from Treize Lithographies, 1898, published before 1906
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Acrobat with Violin, 1924
Marc Chagall
The Bohemians Marching: The Rear Guard, from The Bohemians, n.d.