Untitled, from Screen Prints 1970, 1970
Tom Seghi
Change of Residence, from the Suite of Late Wood-Block Prints, 1899
Paul Gauguin
Tartessians, 1919–20
Arthur B. Davies
Magic Carpet, from Screen Prints 1970, 1970
Margaret McKenna
Censor: Position without Qualification, from Screen Prints 1970, 1970
Kathy Dulen
Open Air School, 1932
Diego Rivera
Untitled, from Screen Prints 1970, 1970
Gary Frost
A Book: All the Flags for Today, from Screen Prints 1970, 1970
Olaf Borge
Baby Rug, from Screen Prints 1970, 1970
Gail Griggs
Untitled (Stamped Carhart’s, High Hat Panel Art Prints, August 15 1938), printed August 15, 1938
Unknown Maker
The Flag, 1928
José Clemente Orozco
111, from 347 Gravures, May 25, 1968
Pablo Picasso
Untitled, from Screen Prints 1970, 1970
Darlyne Kasper
Untitled, from Screen Prints 1970, 1970
Bernard Rozran
Heating Sake with Maple Leaves (Kanzake momijigari), no. 9 from a series of 12 prints depicting parodies of plays, c. 1716/35
Okumura Masanobu
Interior of a Tahitian Hut, from the Suite of Late Wood-Block Prints, 1898/99
Paul Gauguin
Fractions, 1949
Bernard Rudofsky
Te atua (The God), from the Suite of Late Wood-Block Prints, 1898/99
Paul Gauguin
Beacons, 1960
Richard Aberle Florsheim
The Bull, 1953
Pierre-Yves Tremois