"The Bath," a dripping spring in Kanab Cañon. Temperature, 69° Fahr, No. 9 from the series "Geographical Explorations and Surveys West of the 100th Meridian", 1872
William H. Bell
Green River Canyon, Great Bend, Uinta Mountains, The Horseshoe and Green River Below the Bend from Flaming Gorge Ridge, 1872 and 1978
Mark Klett
Fruit Stall, 1879/80
James McNeill Whistler
Good Place, 1990
Timothy L. Solien
The All Bone, 1990
Timothy L. Solien
Fragments of Hope, 1982
Timothy L. Solien
Fragments of Hope, 1982
Timothy L. Solien
Quartz Mill near Virginia City, 1868 and 1979
Mark Klett
Plaque with Nero, 1778/80
Wedgwood Manufactory
Panel, 1860/80
Mathevon et Bouvard
Panel, 1860/80
Mathevon et Bouvard
Panel, 1860/80
Mathevon et Bouvard
Tile, 1775/80
John Sadler
Untitled, from the series "The Garage" (1970/80), 1970/80
Mikki Ferrill
Wasatch Mountains, Salt Lake City, Utah, Camp Douglas and East End of Salt Lake City, Emigration Canyon on Left, 1869 and 1978
Gordon Bushaw
Sketches for a Lamentation and a Pietà, and of Various Figures, Heads, and an Arm (recto); Sketches of the Dead Christ, and of Various Figures and Heads (verso), 1580 (recto); 1576/80 (verso)