Untitled (Three Young Boys at the Fence of a Carnival Ride), 1929/80
Morris Huberland
Le Jugement de Paris, 1897
Paul Pierre Jouve
Border, 1860/80
Panel, 1860/80
Mathevon et Bouvard
Pyramid Isle, Pyramid Lake, Nevada, 1867 and 1979
Mark Klett
Murano - Glass Furnace, 1879/80
James McNeill Whistler
The Three Marys at the Tomb in a Historiated Initial "E" from a Choirbook, 1470/80
Vase, c. 1660–80
Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle, 1850/80
James Valentine
Nocturne: Palaces, 1879/80
James McNeill Whistler
Plate 80 from The Plan of Chicago, 1909: Chicago. Diagram of City Center, Showing the Proposed Arrangement of Railroad Passenger Stations, the Complete Traction System, Including Rapid Transit, Subway, and Elevated Roads, and the Circuit Subway Line., 1909
Daniel Hudson Burnham
Salute Dawn, 1879/80
James McNeill Whistler
The Garden, 1879/80
James McNeill Whistler
Handkerchief, 1860s/80s
Adoration of the Magi, 1560/80
Lattanzio Gambara
Panel, 1860/80
Mathevon et Bouvard
Narihira's eastern journey, second half of 18th century
Tomikawa Fusanobu (Ginsetsu)
Chichen Itza / Sendero Hacia las Estrella (Chichen Itza / I Walk Towards the Stars), from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Print Seminar, March 1975 Portfolio, 1975