Cancellation sheet, fragments of ten woodblocks from Intimacies, 1898
Félix Edouard Vallotton
“- Here, Eudoxie, take my bear skin... since from now on I will not have the pleasure any more to wear it, I give it to you to make a muff out of it... This way I have at least the satisfaction of seeing it from time to time”, 1848
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Maternity, 1896
Édouard Jean Vuillard
Sculptor Before his Sculpture, with a Young Girl in a Turban and Sculpted Head, plate one from Le Chef d'oeuvre inconnu, 1927, printed and published 1931
Pablo Picasso
The Artist's Son, 1952
Sekino Jun’ichirō
Place du Pantheon, Night of December 22 to 23, 1830, 1831
Denis Auguste Marie Raffet
Woman Standing before a Corpse, plate four from Death and Resurrection, 1922
Otto Dix
Printing Block, 18th century
Printing Block, 19th century
Printing Screen, 1955
Ben Rose
Circles Print, n.d.
Elsa Kula
Venus, 1927, printed 1929
Arthur B. Davies
The Funeral, 1891
Félix Edouard Vallotton
Theuerdank Received by Ehrenreich, from Teuerdank, plate 22 from Woodcuts from Books of the XVI Century, 1517
Leonhard Beck
Lucius Mutius, Scipio Africanus, and Paulus Aemilius (recto) Battle Scene (verso) from Officia M.T.C., plate 23 from Woodcuts from Books of the XVI Century, 1531, assembled into portfolio 1937
Hans Weiditz, II
Portrait of Ambroise Vollard, 1924
Pierre Bonnard
Drawing for Eizo and Matsuomaru, 1947
Sekino Jun’ichirō
Les Propos de Thomas Vireloque: Under the Roof of Heavens, 1852