Balky Horse, n.d.
Francis Arthur Fraser
The Willows, c. 1877
Francis Seymour Haden
J. Chamberlain and Balfour, n.d.
Francis Carruthers Gould
Shere Mill Pond, No. II (large plate), 1860
Francis Seymour Haden
Untitled, 1931
Francis Joseph Bruguière
Untitled, 1929
Francis Joseph Bruguière
A Water Meadow, 1859
Francis Seymour Haden
Shere Mill Pond, No. II (large plate), c. 1860
Francis Seymour Haden
An Early Riser, 1897
Francis Seymour Haden
Combe Bottom, 1860
Francis Seymour Haden
Mouth of a Brook, No. II, c. 1859
Francis Seymour Haden
On the Test, c. 1859
Francis Seymour Haden
Sir William Portsman, n.d.
John Francis Rigaud
Kensington Gardens, No. II (large plate), 1860
Francis Seymour Haden
St. Bartholomew's the Great, from In Thackeray's London, c. 1913
Francis Hopkinson Smith
Jermyn Street, from In Thackeray's London, c. 1913
Francis Hopkinson Smith
Fleet Street and St. Paul's, from In Thackeray's London, c. 1913
Francis Hopkinson Smith
Lamb Court, from In Thackeray's London, c. 1913
Francis Hopkinson Smith
Hare Court, from In Thackeray's London, c. 1913
Francis Hopkinson Smith
In The Garden, from the portfolio "The Automobile," Institute of Design, 1966, 1966
Thomas Francis Barrow