Sketchbook: Figure, Animal, and Architectural Sketches, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Episodes from the Marriage of Krishna and Rukmini (painting, recto); Battle scene from the Marriage of Krishna and Rukmini (painting, verso), folios from a Bhagavata Purana series
Pen Box with Elderly Saints
Najaf `Ali
Seven Chinese Immortals, 1752 - 1811
Goshun 呉春 (Matsumura Gekkei 松村月渓)
Zodiac from the Castle Water Clock (painting, recto; text, verso), folio from a manuscript of the Kitab fi Ma 'rifat al-Hiyal al-Handasiya (Book of the Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices), 14th century
Book XXIX.14. Publius Cornelius receives the goddess, the Idaean Mother, from all the matrons at Ostia and delivers her to Rome {Tertiae Decadis Liber Nonus p. CLXX verso}
Anonymous Italy (Venice) 1493
Treatise on Meditation (S: Yogâcâra-bhumi; J: Yugashiji-ron) Vol. 9
Commentary on the Greater Sutra of the Perfection of Wisdom (Daichido-ron) Vol. 90 (Inside title: Makahannya-haramitsubon Vol. 78) from Ishiyama-dera in Shiga Prefecture
One Page from the Ksitigarbha-Bodhisattva-Pranidhana-Sutra (Sutra of the Oath of the Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha), 1418 - 1453
Attributed to Prince Yi Yong (An-p'yŏng Tae-kun, Prince An-p'yŏng)
Histamenon of the Augusta Eudokia Makrembolitissa, r. 1067
Eudokia Makrembolitissa
Histamenon of Constantine X Ducas, Constantinople, r. 1059-1067
Constantine X
Court Betrothal Scene
Unidentified Artist
Coin of Basil II, r. 976 - 1025
Basil II
Coin of Constantine VII, r. 945 - 959
Constantine VII
Histamenon of Constantine X, r. 1059-1067
Constantine X
Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette (1757-1834), 1795 - 1858
Ary Scheffer
The Peacock Skirt, 1872 - 1898
Aubrey Vincent Beardsley
A Study for Christ for "The Elevation of the Cross", 1577 - 1640