Coin of Basil II
r. 976 - 1025
Basil II
Obv.: Bust of Christ Pantocrator (Type VIIIb) facing, bearded, with cross nimbus having hexagon of pellets (six forming outline, one in center) in each arm of the cross, wearing tunic and himation; r. hand raised in blessing in sling of himation, l. clasps book to breast. Pellet before and after inscription.
Rev.: Two busts facing, Basil to l., bearded, wearing modified loros and crown with pendilia with bifid ends and there is a suspended crown over Basil's head. Constantine to r., beardless, wearing chlamys with tablion decorated with three vertically stacked pellets, and crown with cross, holding between them by l. hands a patriarchal cross crosslet. Cross after inscription.
Byzantine period, Middle