Unexpected Invitation, from Hotel Suite, 2010
Nicholas Sistler
He was Known Becuase of His Precision, plate eleven from Uruguayan Torture Series, 1983
Luis Camnitzer
The Instrument was Explained in Detail, plate fifteen from Uruguayan Torture Series, 1983
Luis Camnitzer
He Tried to Count the Stars, plate 28 from Uruguayan Torture Series, 1983
Luis Camnitzer
Lower East Side, 1954
Leon Levinstein
Flashlight, from 1st Etchings, 1967-68
Jasper Johns
Flashlight, from 1st Etchings, 1967–70
Jasper Johns
Untitled, 2019
Elisabeth Wild
Untitled (Working in City Lot), 1940s
Sidney Grossman
Boy and Flag (and Recruitment Poster), Long Island City, NY, 1979
Walter Rosenblum
Sanctuary, from Hotel Suite, 2010
Nicholas Sistler
Rhabdomancy, 1967
Vera Berdich
The Coffee was Cold, plate four from Uruguayan Torture Series, 1983
Luis Camnitzer
100 Boots at the Bank, February 9, 1971, 10:00 a.m.; mailed April 26, 1971
Eleanor Antin
100 Boots at the Pond, July 12, 1971, 2:00 p.m.; mailed March 6, 1972
Eleanor Antin
100 Boots Outside, Ocober 14, 1971, 10:30 p.m.; mailed April 4, 1972
Eleanor Antin
100 Boots on the Way Down, October 12, 1971, 3:00 p.m.; mailed May 30, 1972
Eleanor Antin
100 Boots in the Marsh, October 8, 1971, 8:00 a.m.; mailed August 10, 1972
Eleanor Antin
100 Boots on the Job, February 15, 1972, 12:15 p.m.; mailed September 11, 1972
Eleanor Antin
100 Boots in the Street, February 15, 1972, 3:00 p.m.; mailed September 25, 1972
Eleanor Antin