Untitled, 1968
Robert Heinecken
Untitled, 1968
Robert Heinecken
Ionian Sea, Santa Cesarea, from the portfolio "Time Exposed" (1991), 1990, printed 1991
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Black Sea, Inebolu, 1991, printed 1991
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Black Sea, Oakbayir, 1991, printed 1991
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Marmara Sea, Silivli, 1991, printed 1991
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Pacific Ocean, Oregon, 1985, printed 1991
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Sea of Japan, Oki, 1987, printed 1991
Hiroshi Sugimoto
English Channel, Fecamp, 1989, printed 1991
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Print the Words Agave and Maguey, in Columns, Alternating 48 Times, 1983
Todd Walker
Yonkers from Palisades, 1975
Scott Hyde
Photo Index Map, 1947
Heartfelt Pleas Invoked by the Youth of 40 Years to the Miraculous St. Anthony of Padua Asking for his Consolation, 1911
José Guadalupe Posada
(Rip) R594, Photo of Florence With the Area Between the Piazza de la Stazione, Piazza Independenza, Cenacolo di Santa Apollonia and La Colonna della Croce al Trebbio Removed, May 13, 1976
Sol LeWitt
Madam, Your Little Rabbit No Longer Likes Grass, He Only Wants Chocolate, What a Clever Animal, 1911
Manuel Manilla
Painted Bronze, 1967–69
Jasper Johns
Flashlight, from 1st Etchings, 1967-69
Jasper Johns
Flashlight, from 1st Etchings, 1967-69
Jasper Johns
Baser Psychic Phenomena, 1970
Vera Berdich
Seven Branch, from Counting Alternatives: The Wittgenstein Illustrations, 1991, based on a drawing from 1971
Mel Bochner