My Old Mother-in-Law is Always Ready to Scold without Any Reason, n.d.
Manuel Manilla
Heian Stones, 1977
Barbara S. Spitz
El cancionero popular, num. 18 (The Popular Songbook, No. 18), 1910
José Guadalupe Posada
Untitled, 1947/48
Sidney Grossman
100 Boots in the Park, 1973
Eleanor Antin
La milagrosa imagen del Señor del Rescate (The Miraculous Image of Our Savior), 1903
José Guadalupe Posada
Portfolio Cover for Estampas de Yucatán, published by La Estampa Mexicana, 1946
Alfredo Zalce
Miner's Boy, Scott's Run, West Virginia, 1936
Lewis Wickes Hine
Ozymandias, 1964
Letterio Calapai
Plate Three from Uruguayan Torture Series, 1983
Luis Camnitzer
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, 1928
Arthur Rackham
Button Man's First Flight, 1973
William H. Rawis
PM Newspaper Promotional Publication, 1940/41
Untitled (From Cora, Helen Sole[n], stamped The Penny Studio A.L. Wright-Prop, Over Boston Cafe, Sioux Falls, S.D., Cabinets, Post Cards, Stamp Photos & Viewing), c. 1910/19
Unknown Maker
Tia Chea's Foyer, Gazcue, Santo Domingo, R.D., 2010, printed 2021
groana melendez
100 Boots in the Bush, 1973
Eleanor Antin
Very Interesting News, 1910
José Guadalupe Posada
The Inexorable Nature of Time, 1982
Vera Berdich
Color(ed) Theory: Crown Royal Bag, 2014-15
Amanda Williams