Old Mother Blood, 1983
Ana Mendieta
Gift of Calaveras, Given to the Chickpea Sellers. As Proof of True Love, Quarrels of a Water Seller, n.d.
José Guadalupe Posada
Goddess of Wind, 1983
Ana Mendieta
Roberto Antonio Melendez, Washington Heights, NYC, U.S., 2006, printed 2021
groana melendez
Aspens, Colorado, 1957
Don Worth
From the Track of This Famous Hippodrome, Not a Single Journalist Will Be Missing. Inexorable Death Has No Respect, Not Even for Those You See Here Riding Bicycles., after 1895
José Guadalupe Posada
Hand-me-downs of the Dandies, 1890–99
José Guadalupe Posada
The Doors were Closed, 1963
Vera Berdich
100 Boots in the Wild Mustard, June 19, 1971, 3:00 p.m.; mailed July 7, 1972
Eleanor Antin
Untitled, c. 1958
Leon Levinstein
100 Boots Enter the Museum, 1973
Eleanor Antin
100 Boots Taking the Hill (4), 1973
Eleanor Antin
The Thundering Calavera of the Modern Bells, 1905
José Guadalupe Posada
Horrible Murder!, 1890s
José Guadalupe Posada
Electric Light Arrives, 1900
Manuel Manilla
Mami's Bureau, Washington Heights, NYC, U.S., 2014, printed 2022
groana melendez
La septième face du dé: poëmes - découpages, Paris: Éditions Jeanne Bucher, 1936
Marcel Duchamp
Color(ed) Theory: Flamin' Red Hots, 2014-15
Amanda Williams
Untitled [First Woman], 1983
Ana Mendieta
Long Live the Glorious 16th of September! Honor and Glory to the Priest from Dolores Don Miguel Hidalgo y Castilla, Initiator of our Independence. Long Live the Mexican Army!, 1899
José Guadalupe Posada