Panel and Fragment, c. 1840
Weaving Comb, A.D. 1000/1476
Sample Book of Gauze Ribbon Swatches, 19th century
Collar with Long Lappets, c. 1900
De Gli Habiti Antichi, et Moderni di Diuerse Parti del Mondo Libri Dve, Fatti da Cesare Vecellio et con discoursi da Lui Dichiarti. Con Privilegio", 1590
Cesare Vecellio
Panel (Upholstery Fabric), c. 1902
Wiener Werkstätte
Windows (Furnishing Fabric), 1950/55
Elsie Krummeck
Fragment (Border), A.D. 1000/1476
Fragment, A.D. 500/1476
Panel (Furnishing Fabric), 1966
Sherri Smith
Academia (Furnishing Fabric), 1960/74
Larsen Design Studio
Blouse (Huipil), 1900/50
Neptune or L'Empire de la Mer (Neptune or the Empire of the Sea) (Furnishing Fabric), c. 1795
Petitpierre et Cie.
Nagoya Obi (Formal Belt), 1920/26, late Taishô period (1912–1926)
Ball, Choson dynasty (1392–1910), 19th century