Coin Depicting Senate, 230-235
Ancient Roman
Coin Depicting Zeus Akraios, 14-37 CE
Ancient Roman
Coin Depicting a Head, 3rd-2nd century BCE
Ancient Greek
Coin Portraying King Philip II, 247-249
Ancient Roman
Coin Depicting the Goddess Athena, 2nd century CE
Ancient Roman
Coin Depicting the Hero Hercules, 2nd-1st century BCE
Ancient Roman
Coin Portraying the Emperor Severus Alexander, before 222
Ancient Roman
Coin Portraying Julia Domna, 193-217
Ancient Roman
Coin Portraying Julia Maesa, 165-224
Ancient Roman
Coin Depicting Draped Bust of the Roman Senate, 193-211
Ancient Roman
Coin Depicting a Head, about 161–?
Ancient Roman
Coin Depicting Senate, 193-211
Ancient Roman
Coin Portraying Emperor Caligula, 37-41
Ancient Roman
Landscape in the Style of Ancient Masters: after Gao Kegong (1248-1310), Ming dynasty (1368–1644), dated 1642
Lan Ying
Coin Depicting Populus Romanus, 79-81 or 211-217
Ancient Roman
Coin Portraying Emperor Nero, 54-68
Ancient Roman
Coin Portraying Salonina, 253-268
Ancient Roman
Coin Portraying Emperor Gallienus, 253-268
Ancient Roman
Coin Depicting the God Dionysos, about 133 BCE
Ancient Greek
Coin Depicting the Goddess Athena, 246-226 BCE
Ancient Greek