The Temptation of Saint Anthony, 1635
Jacques Callot
The Family, 1647
Adriaen van Ostade
Village Fair at the Windmill, 1889
James Ensor
And in the Very Disk of the Sun Lights the Face of Jesus Christ, plate 10 from The Temptation of Saint Anthony (1st series), 1888
Odilon Redon
Then There Appears a Singular Being, Having the Head of a Man On the Body of a Fish, plate 5 of 10, 1888
Odilon Redon
Cover-Frontispiece for the Temptation of St. Anthony, 1888
Odilon Redon
Masks and Grotesque Figures, 1885
James Ensor
Devils Thrashing Angels and Archangels, 1888
James Ensor
Christ Mocked, 1886
James Ensor
The Temptation of Christ, 1888
James Ensor
Death of Jezebel, 1880
James Ensor
The Ghost, 1889
James Ensor
The Multiplication of the Fishes, 1891
James Ensor
Demons Teasing Me, 1895
James Ensor
Christ Tormented by Demons, 1895
James Ensor
King Pest, 1895
James Ensor
Christ Tormented by Demons, 1895
James Ensor
Demons Teasing Me, 1895
James Ensor
Poster for the Salon des Cent (Self-Portrait with Devils), 1898
James Ensor
Hop-Frog's Revenge, 1898
James Ensor