Ballade du pauvre macchabé mal enterré, 1919
André Derain
Le volant d'Artimon: Poèmes, Paris: J. Povolozky, 1922
Louis Marcoussis
Pleine marge, 1940-1943
Kurt Seligmann
César Domela, 1939
César Domela
Dépendance de l'adieu, 1936
René Char
Les jeux de la poupée, Paris: Editions Premières, 1949
Hans Bellmer
Uber das Geistige in der Kunst (About the Spiritual in Art), 1912
Vasily Kandinsky
Na borbu s khuliganstvom v literature (The Battle against Hooliganism in Literature), 1926
Gustav G. Klutsis
Priemy Leninskoi rechi (Devices of Lenin's Speeches), 1928
Gustav G. Klutsis
Pamiati pogibshikh vozhdei (Memorial to Fallen Leaders), 1927
Gustav G. Klutsis
Brigada khudozhnikov (Artist's Brigade), 1931: No. 4 (August? 1931)
El Lissitzky
Photograph of the Klutsis family, 1913
Gustav G. Klutsis
Mořsky průvan (The Sea Breeze), 1925
Karel Teige
Civilisovaná Zena / Zivilisierte Frau (The Civilized Woman), 1929–1930
Zdenek Rossman
Ispaniia. !No Pasaran! (Spain! They Shall Not Pass!), 1937
El Lissitzky
Shest povestei o legkikh kontsakh (Six Tales with Easy Endings), 1922
El Lissitzky
Erste Russiche Kunstaustellung (First Russian Art Exhibition), 1922
El Lissitzky
Zapiski poeta (Notes of a Poet), 1928
El Lissitzky
Das Entfesselte Theater (The Theatre Unbound), 1923
El Lissitzky