"Untitled", 1995
Felix Gonzalez-Torres
17 (...when they grow up...), 2016
Ebony G. Patterson
Hanging Drawings, 2020-23
Jared Ginsburg
Not buried, but just under the surface, 2016
Caroline Kent
Installation Drawing for "Monogram," from The New York Collection for Stockholm, 1973
Robert Rauschenberg
Parliament of World's Religions, 2017
Qiu Zhijie
"Allée des Mannequins" of the International Surrealist Exhibition During Installation, Paris, 1938
Rodolphe Raoul Ubac
SHE MAD: Laughing Gas, 2016
Martine Syms
Japanese Couple, 1990
Barbara Bloom
Ansichten >82<, 1982
Hanne Darboven
Recordings ("Big Storm" January 30th, 1967, Mom), 2009
Jason Lazarus
PHANTOM. Mies as Rendered Society, 2012–17
Andres Jaque
Baby Steps from the Cave, 1983
William T. Wiley
Native Hosts for Chicago, 2021
Edgar Heap of Birds
Untitled (Triple castle), 2005/2014
Arturo Herrera
Caryatid, 2003
Janine Antoni
National Gallery, Shortly Before Renovation (VK234), 2017
Veronika Kellndorfer
Inhale, Exhale, 2010
Sam Buxton
Expose for Shadow, Develop for Highlights (Perforated Sampler) [Wall], 2010
it was gold, it was radiant and reasonable, 2013
Sabina Ott