Head of Adam Emory Albright, 1935–36, cast 1952
Ivan Albright
Time Capsule (Furnishing Fabric), 1954 (produced and reprinted 1988)
Ben Rose
Rosette Fragment from the E.G. Raymond Store and Flats, Chicago, Illinois, 1884 (demolished 1985)
Treat & Foltz
860–880 North Lake Shore Drive, Roof and Penthouse Plan and Details, 11/22/1949
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Chicago River, from One-Hundred Views of Chicago, 1967
Bronislaw M. Bak
The Red Barn Walked Around Me, 1968
Ivan Albright
Evel Knievel, Chicago International Amphitheatre, 1972
Jonas Dovydenas
Campfire, Adirondacks, c. 1892
Winslow Homer
Pair of Headdresses (Tyi Wara Kunw), Mid–19th to early 20th century
Walton Gardens, Chicago, Illinois, Working Drawing, 1955
Bertrand Goldberg
Walker Warehouse, 1953
Aaron Siskind
House in Chicago, Design Drawings, c. 1992–1998
Tadao Ando
Hanging, 1950s
Claire Zeisler
860–880 North Lake Shore Drive, 26th Floor and Roof, Plumbing and Ventilation Inst. Riser Diagram, 11/22/1949
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Seated Female Nude with Arms Raised, n.d.
Auguste Rodin
Dichotomy, Chicago, 1981
Helen Harvey Mills
The Shepherd, 1910–11
Eugène Zak
Ranch Wyoming, 1946
Ivan Albright
World's Columbian Exposition, Columbus' Caravel, "The Nina", 1887/93
George Barker
Untitled, from Screen Prints 1970, 1970
Ed Flood