Mishima: Morning Mist (Mishima, asagiri), from the series "Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido gojusan tsugi no uchi)," also known as the Hoeido Tokaido, c. 1833/34
Utagawa Hiroshige
Bauhaus: Art As Life Poster, 2012
Brother and Pop Art, 1965
Billy Abernathy
"A, B, C, D"-Shaped Stamp for Adinkra Textile, Late 19th/mid–20th century
Untitled (Lighted Owl), c. 1949
Joseph Cornell
Vase, c. 1925
Jean Dunand
"Untitled" (Last Light), 1993
Felix Gonzalez-Torres
The Heron Maiden, c. 1766/67
Suzuki Harunobu
Hydria (Water Jar), about 300 BCE
Ancient Greek
Sanctuary, 1982
Martin Puryear
Untitled (Pair of Vases), 1981
Keith Haring
Plaque with a Bishop, 1180/1200
Nicholas of Verdun
Chair (Kiti Cha Enzi), 19th century
Bird, from Milestones of the Season (Shibunshū “Kisetsu-hyō”)Season (Shibunshû “Kisetsu-hyô”), 1935
Onchi Kōshirō
Face Mask (Sirige), 19th/20th century
Portrait of Sylvette David, 1954
Pablo Picasso
Time of the Brave Mask (Mgbedike), Early/mid–20th century
Portfolio Cover for Serigraphs by Students of the Art Institute of Chicago, 1966