Arai, from the series "Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido (Tokaido gojusan tsugi)," also known as the Tokaido with Poem (Kyoka iri Tokaido), c. 1837/42
Utagawa Hiroshige
Bad Times, 1970
Philip Guston
Rounded Jar Depicting Abstract Fish or Sharks, 180 BCE–500 CE
J. Ellis Bonham, March 5, 1825
William Bonnell
Maisaka: The Ferry at Imagiri (Maisaka, Imagiri funawatashi), from the series "Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido (Tokaido gojusan tsugi)," also known as the Tokaido with Poem (Kyoka iri Tokaido), c. 1837/42
Utagawa Hiroshige
Hairy Who (cat-a-log), 1969
The Hairy Who (Art Green, Gladys Nilsson, Jim Nutt, Jim Falconer, Suellen Rocca, and Karl Wirsum)
Untitled, 1960
Lee Bontecou
Headdress for Gelede (Igi), Early/mid–20th century
Circular Reliquary with Domed Roof and Relics of Saints Godehard and Bernward, 1375/1400
Stemless Kylix (Drinking Cup), 460-450 BCE
Ancient Greek
Garden Airplane-Trap, 1935
Max Ernst
Mrs. Charles Gifford Dyer (Mary Anthony), 1880
John Singer Sargent
No. 37: Miyanokoshi, from the series "Sixty-nine Stations of the Kisokaido (Kisokaido rokujukyu tsugi no uchi)", c. 1835/38
Utagawa Hiroshige
New York (Couple on Steps of Metropolitan Museum of Art), c. 1971
Garry Winogrand
Competition Proposal for Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, Interior Perspective, 1999
Steven Holl
Shop Girls, c. 1912
Elizabeth Sparhawk-Jones
Statue of Ptah-Sokar-Osiris, Ptolemaic Period (332–30 BCE)
Ancient Egyptian
Triptych Icon, Late 17th century
Vase Depicting a Phoenixlike Bird, 1700–50
Talavera Poblana
Wolfsberg Art Salon Zurich Augusto Giacometti exhibition from February to March 1921, 1921