Mural Fragment Depicting a Maguey Bloodletting Ritual, 500–600 CE
Family of Robot: Baby, 1986
Nam June Paik
The Cloisters, 1949
Andrew Wyeth
Column-Krater (Mixing Bowl), about 450 BCE
Ancient Greek
Mr. Pointy, 2011
Takashi Murakami
Vase, c. 1905
Fritz Albert
No. 32: Seba, from the series "Sixty-nine Stations of the Kisokaido (Kisokaido rokujukyu tsugi no uchi)", c. 1835/38
Utagawa Hiroshige
Covered Ewer with Lizard-Shaped Handle, Qing dynasty (1644–1911), 18th century
Girandoles, 1848–51
Isaac F. Baker
Buddha, Tang dynasty (A.D. 618–907), c. 725/50
Woman in Summer Clothing (Portrait of Nakatani Tsuru), 1920
Hashiguchi Goyô
Untitled (Match-Woman I), 1920
Francis Picabia
Yellow Hickory Leaves with Daisy, 1928
Georgia O'Keeffe
Mrs. Daniel Hubbard (Mary Greene), c. 1764
John Singleton Copley
Untitled, from Hairy Who (color separation), 1968
Art Green
Abstract Cityscape, 1924
Léopold Survage
Tureen, 1810/20
Creil Pottery
Dance Staff, Late 19th/early 20th century
PH-246, 1951/52
Clyfford Still
Fireplace Surround, 1901
George Washington Maher