Stamp Depicting a Plant-like Motf, Possibly 1000–1500
Reliquary Monstrance in the form of a Church, c. 1484
The Puff of Smoke, 1912
Gifford Beal
Bonbonnière, 1938
Margret Craver
After a Summer Shower, 1894
George Inness
Untitled, 2000/01
Gregory Crewdson
Vincent and Tony, 1969
Alex Katz
Spindle Cube Chair, 1902–6
Frank Lloyd Wright
Above the Earth, 1953
Mark Tobey
Nigatsu Hall, Nara (Nara Nigatsudo), from the series "Souvenirs of Travel, Second Series (Tabi miyage dai nishu)", 1921
Kawase Hasui
Plate Seven, from Long Live Fashion, Down with Art, 1919, published 1920
Max Ernst
Cirrocumulus and Nimbus, 1978
Roger Brown
"Hairstyle of Court Attendants" Stamp for Adinkra Textile, Late 19th/mid–20th century
Mural Fragment Depicting a Maguey Bloodletting Ritual, 500–600 CE
Teapot with Symbols of England, Ireland, and Scotland, c. 1830
New England Scenery, 1839
Thomas Cole
Back on Earth, 1981
Elizabeth Murray
Leaning Tower of Touhy, 1980
Roger Brown
Family of Robot: Baby, 1986
Nam June Paik
Container for Gold Dust, Snuff, or Tobacco (Adakawa), Mid–/late 19th century
Akan-speaking peoples