Above the Earth, 1953
Mark Tobey
Buddha Shakyamuni Seated in Meditation (Dhyanamudra), Chola period (c. 855-1279), about 12th century
Desk and Bookcase, 1893
Lladislaus Zdzieblowski
New England Scenery, 1839
Thomas Cole
Bonbonnière, 1938
Margret Craver
Statue of Ptah-Sokar-Osiris, Ptolemaic Period (332–30 BCE)
Ancient Egyptian
Shop Girls, c. 1912
Elizabeth Sparhawk-Jones
Reliquary Monstrance in the form of a Church, c. 1484
Teapot with Symbols of England, Ireland, and Scotland, c. 1830
Cirrocumulus and Nimbus, 1978
Roger Brown
Bell (nao), Western Zhou dynasty (1046–771 B.C.)
"Hairstyle of Court Attendants" Stamp for Adinkra Textile, Late 19th/mid–20th century
Lekythos (Oil Jar), about 400 BCE
Ancient Greek
Back on Earth, 1981
Elizabeth Murray
Painting, 1952
Franz Kline
Container for Gold Dust, Snuff, or Tobacco (Adakawa), Mid–/late 19th century
Akan-speaking peoples
Nude with a Pitcher, summer 1906
Pablo Picasso
De la nada vida a la nada muerte, 1965
Frank Stella
Leaning Tower of Touhy, 1980
Roger Brown
Reliquary Monstrance with a Relic of Saint Christina, 1450/1500