Untitled (young man with sideburns, half view
Unidentified Artist
Caricature of the Laocoön, 1510 - after 1566
Nicolò Boldrini
Untitled (composite photograph of a man doing a jumping twist; continuous motion)
Jack Gould
Untitled (composite photograph of a man doing a jumping somersault; continuous motion)
Jack Gould
Untitled (photograph of woman with white cloth over head, one shoulder), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (photograph of 1928 Bachrach photo of girl standing in doorway with doll), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled ("before" version of damaged photograph of couple, man in military hat), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (photograph of of woman in gold sequined shawl draped over head), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (photograph of woman's head, neck and shoulders, head tilted back), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (photograph of "Clear Outlook": woman in hat in front of large leaves), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (photograph of two girls in matching dresses holding tall flowers), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (photograph of "Idyllic": woman reclining on chaise lounge with child on lap), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (photograph of "The Stubborn Tress": nude woman brushing her hair), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (photograph of "Portentous Shadow": figure seated in hat with large shadow), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (re-photographed 19th century image of woman in black dress), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (re-photographed 19th century image of mother and three children), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (re-photographed 19th century image of woman in patterned dress), 20th century
Martin Schweig
A Slave Girl from New Orleans, active 1860s-1870s
Charles Paxson
Bluff Opposite Big Horn Camp, Black Canon, Colorado River, 1840 - 1882
Timothy H. O'Sullivan
Untitled (three photographs: two adults and two children wading in river; man sitting on large cut logs; old car driving across bridge), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio