Untitled (nine photographs, clockwise from upper left, Earl of Tyrone; Sir ? and Lady Mackenzie; Captain Coventry; Countess of Scarbrough; Earl of Listowel; Miss Vivian an Lady A. Duff (with two unidentified men); Mr. Oswald; Lady Abercromby; center, photograph of drawing of unidentified sitter)
Mary Georgiana Caroline Cecil Filmer
Sitter's information:
Earl of Tyrone (1844-1895)
Sir ? and Lady Mackenzie
Captain Coventry. Possibly a member of the family of the Earls of Coventry whose family name is Coventry.
Countess of Scarbrough
Earl of Listowel. William Hare (born 29 May 1833-1924), 3rd Earl of Listowel KP, Vice Admiral of the Province of Munster. Succeeded 4 February 1856. Married Lady Ernestine Brudenell-Bruce (d. 27 December 1936) daughter of the 3rd Marquess of Ailesbury on 31 August 1865.
Miss Vivian
Lady Duff. Lady Alexina Duff, third daugher of the 5th Earl of Fife. Married the Honorable Henry Coventry, son of the Honorable Henry Coventry on 2 July 1870.
Mr. Oswald of Cuchencruive(?)
Lady Abercromby. Lady Julia Duncan (d. 1915) daugher of the 2nd Earl of Camperdown. Married 4th Baron Abercromby who was born on 22 September 1838 and died 30 October 1917.
Album page with nine albumen silver prints. Center photograph is framed in pink painted border, fleur de lys and red dot decoration between center photographs top and bottom and photos to right and left.