East Meadow, L. I.
Eric Baden
Sag Harbor, L. I.
Eric Baden
Untitled (horse race), 1876 - 1958
Joseph Woodson Whitesell
Untitled (conversation group), 1876 - 1958
Joseph Woodson Whitesell
Untitled (two artists conversing), 1876 - 1958
Joseph Woodson Whitesell
Demonstration in Angle Shots, 1876 - 1958
Joseph Woodson Whitesell
Pappy Finally Agrees to Sign, 1876 - 1958
Joseph Woodson Whitesell
Williamsburg, Pennsylvania, 1831 - 1917
Frederick Gutekunst
Kitanning Point, Pennsylvania, 1831 - 1917
Frederick Gutekunst
General Tom Thumb and Party (stereograph), 1823 - 1896
Mathew B. Brady
The Fairy Wedding Party. Mr. & Mrs. Genl. Tom Thumb, Commodore Nutt, Minnie Warren (stereograph), 1823 - 1896
Mathew B. Brady
High School, Levittown, L. I.
Eric Baden
Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, L. I.
Eric Baden
Gas Line, Wantagh State Parkway
Eric Baden
Bentwood, L. I.
Eric Baden
View of Indian Camp, Pine Ridge Agency, S. D., 19th century
W. R. Cross
High Water at Bellows Falls, VT, c. 1820 - c. 1890
J. A. French