Jones Beach, born 1938
Elaine Mayes
East Meadow, L. I.
Eric Baden
Levittown, L. I.
Eric Baden
Floral Park, L. I.
Eric Baden
Kings Point, L. I.
Eric Baden
Marjorie Wells Fraser, 4 yrs. old
Emery Studio
Untitled (woman in leaf-print gown)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (masked wrestler), 20th century
Geoff Winningham
Horse and Buggy Days, 1876 - 1958
Joseph Woodson Whitesell
Untitled (group conversing), 1876 - 1958
Joseph Woodson Whitesell
Grumman, born 1938
Elaine Mayes
Fort Garland and Sierra Blanca Range, 19th century
Frederick H. Chapin
Sitting Bull and Buffalo Bill (Wm. Cody), 19th century
W. R. Cross
Joachim, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople (deceased, enthroned to receive homage)
Unidentified Artist
In Retro, 1876 - 1958
Joseph Woodson Whitesell
Circus Comes to Town, Bloomington, Indiana, 1876 - 1958
Joseph Woodson Whitesell
Untitled (panorama of San Francisco)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (smashed tin can), 20th century
Bert Beaver
Wyandanch, L. I.
Eric Baden