Rodeo, 1903 - 1990
Harold Edgerton
Moving Skip Rope, 1903 - 1990
Harold Edgerton
Untitled ("Apollo 17: Documenting the site of lunar samples to be returned to Earth")
Unidentified Artist
Untitled ("Apollo 17: Telephoto of the astronauts' landing craft")
Unidentified Artist
Religious Agencies, Salvation Army: United States. New York. New York City. Selling Coal, Ice, Old Clothing: The Salv[ation Army]: Selling ice in New York tenements for one cent.
Unidentified Artist
Bunny Spiller Talking to Percy Tucker, Throwleigh Country Fete, 20th century
Chris Chapman
Owen and Joe White, Batworthy Farm, Dartmoor, Devon, England, 20th century
Chris Chapman
Untitled (images taken for "Observatory of Harvard College")
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (the moon)
Unidentified Artist
Heat Wave, August 1947, 1918 - 2013
Wayne Miller
Three Young Men Standing in Door Way, 1918 - 2013
Wayne Miller
The Painter Eldzier Cortor in His Basement Apartment, 1918 - 2013
Wayne Miller
Mystic Lake, Montana, 1843 - 1942
William Henry Jackson
Mt. Harvard, Sawatch Range, View South on Arkansas River, 1843 - 1942
William Henry Jackson
Mt. Hayden, or the Great Teton, 1843 - 1942
William Henry Jackson
Ouch! (Archery), 1903 - 1990
Harold Edgerton
Rising Dove, 1903 - 1990
Harold Edgerton
Tumblers, 1903 - 1990
Harold Edgerton
Pete Desjardin Diving, 1903 - 1990
Harold Edgerton
Milk Drop Coronet, 1903 - 1990
Harold Edgerton