Coin of Diocaesaria under Faustina II, r. 161-175
Faustina II
Coin of Carallia under Otacilia Severa, r. 244 - 249 CE
Otacilia Severa
Coin of Aigeai under Valerian I, r. 253 - 260 CE
Valerian I
Coin of Aigeai under Severus Alexander, r. 222 - 235 CE
Severus Alexander
Coin of Barata under Philip I, r. 244 - 249 CE
Philip I, the Arab
Coin of Andeda under Septimius Severus, r. 193 - 211 CE
Septimius Severus
Coin of the Lycian League under Claudius, r. 41 - 54 CE
Coin of Amaseia under Septimius Severus, r. 193 - 211 CE
Septimius Severus
Coin of Metropolis under Gordian III, r. 238 - 244 CE
Gordian III
Coin of Kallatis under Julia Mamaea, r. 222 - 235 CE
Julia Mamaea
Coin of Pella under the Empress Tranquilina
Coin of Odessos under the Emperor Hadrian, r. 117-138 CE
Coin of Odessos under the Emperor Elagabalus, r. 218 - 222 CE
Coin of Tarsus under Trebonianus Gallus, r. 251-253 CE
Trebonianus Gallus
Coin of Tarsus under Gordian III, r. 238 - 244 CE
Gordian III
Coin of Tarsus under Trajan Decius, r. 249-251 CE
Trajan Decius
Coin of Edessa under Gordian III, r. 238 - 244 CE
Gordian III
Coin of Antiochos IV Epiphanes of Syria, r. 175-164 BCE
Antiochos IV Epiphanes
Coin of Olbia, time of the Emperor Commodus, r. 177-192
Coin of Sebaste under Gordian III, r. 238 - 244 CE
Gordian III