Tetradrachm of Katane signed by Herakleidas, 410 - 400 BCE
Stater of Herakleia, Lucania, signed by Kal..., 400 - 350
Tetradrachm of Syracuse with facing Arethusa by Kimon, 415 - 400 BCE
Designed by Kimon
Tetradrachm of Katane signed by Herakleidas, 410 - 400 BCE
Signed by Herakleidas
Tetradrachm of Antimachos I of Baktria, r. c.185-170 BCE
Antimachos I
Charity Treading on Avarice, 1644-1725
Giuseppe Mazzuoli
Playing Card: Eight of Coins
Unidentified Artist
Playing Card: One of Coins
Unidentified Artist
Playing Card: Two of Coins
Unidentified Artist
Playing Card: Three of Coins
Unidentified Artist
Playing Card: Four of Coins
Unidentified Artist
Playing Card: Five of Coins
Unidentified Artist
Playing Card: Queen of Coins
Unidentified Artist
Playing Card: King of Coins
Unidentified Artist
Playing Card: Ten of Coins
Unidentified Artist
Playing Card: Six of Coins
Unidentified Artist
Playing Card: Seven of Coins
Unidentified Artist
Playing Card: Knight of Coins
Unidentified Artist
Playing Card: Three of Coins
Unidentified Artist
Playing Card: Ten of Coins
Unidentified Artist