Coin of the Koinon of Cyprus under Trajan, r. 98-117 CE
Coin of Pessinus under Marcus Aurelius, r. 161 - 180 CE
Marcus Aurelius
Coin of Antigonos II Gonatas of Macedonia, r. 277/6 BCE-239 BCE
Antigonos II Gonatas
Coin of Aigeai under Valerian I, r. 253 - 260 CE
Valerian I
Coin of Philip of Macedon, Celtic Imitation
The Biocasses
Coin of Hieron II, Tyrant of Syracuse, r. 274-216 BCE
Hieron II
Coin of Hieron II, Tyrant of Syracuse, r. 274-216 BCE
Hieron II
Coin of Antigonos II Gonatas of Macedonia, r. 277/6 BCE-239 BCE
Antigonos II Gonatas
Coin of Antiochos VI Dionysos of Syria, r. 145-142/1 BCE - or 139/8?
Antiochos VI Dionysos
Coin (AE3) of Urbs Roma, Trier
Coin of Hadrian from an Uncertain Mint, r. 117-138 CE
Coin of Hieron II, Tyrant of Syracuse, r. 274-216 BCE
Hieron II
Coin of Pergamon under Domitian-Hadrian, r. 117-138 CE
Coin of Antiochos IV Epiphanes of Syria?, r. 175-164 BCE
Antiochos IV Epiphanes
One of Two U.S. Gold Coins
Coin of Antiocheia Pisidiae under Gallienus, r. 253 - 268 CE
Playing Card: Maid of Coins
Unidentified Artist
Decadrachm of Syracuse
Decadrachm of Syracuse
Tetradrachm of Syracuse, signed by Kimon, 415 - 400 BCE
Signed by Kimon