Untitled (Yes We Did), from the series, "The Week of the Perfect Game", 2009
Zoe Strauss
Prospect Park, Brooklyn, New York, 1966/67
Murray Riss
Untitled (Bev and Frank Bed), from the series, "The Week of the Perfect Game", 2009
Zoe Strauss
One of Three Leaves from a Copy of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra (Ashtasahasrika Prajnaparamitasutra), Pala period, c. 1160-1180
Untitled (Week of the Perfect Game), from the series, "The Week of the Perfect Game", 2009
Zoe Strauss
Bless N°52 Present Perfect Continuous and N°53 Contenttenders/MANY OF THEM, Volume IV, 2015
BLESS eine GmbH
At the Universal Exposition: The Perfect Guide, 1867, printed 1920
Julien Antoine Peulot
Alpharetta, Georgia, from the series "American Prospects", April 1983, printed September 1987
Joel Sternfeld
Tablet, n.d.
Marion Perkins
Page from the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra (Astasahasrika Prajnaparamitasutra), 11th/12th century
Untitled (Beverly Mother), from the series, "The Week of the Perfect Game", 2009
Zoe Strauss
One of Three Leaves from the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra (Ashtasahasrika Prajnaparamitasutra), Pala period, c. 1160-1180
How the Heart Will Be Perfected by God from Der beschlossen gart des rosenkratz marie, plate twenty from Woodcuts from Books of the XVI Century, 1505, assembled into portfolio 1937