Bless No. 52 Present Perfect Continuous pleatskirtscarf, 2015
BLESS eine GmbH
Untitled (Shorty Cropped), from the series, "The Week of the Perfect Game", 2009
Zoe Strauss
Dr. and Mrs. Joel F. Sammet House, Living Room, Highland Park, Illinois, Perspective Sketch, c. 1950
A. James Speyer
Mrs. Huntington B. Henry House, Lake Forest, Illinois, Entrance Court Perspective, 1955
Franz Lipp
Untitled (Lincoln was a Good Old Man), from the series, "The Week of the Perfect Game", 2009
Zoe Strauss
Mutsu Province: View of Matsushima with a Distant Prospect of Mount Tomi (Mutsu, Matsushima fukei Tomiyama chobo no ryakuzu), from the series "Famous Places in the Sixty-odd Provinces (Rokujuyoshu meisho zue)", 1853
Utagawa Hiroshige
Untitled (Salt), from the series, "The Week of the Perfect Game", 2009
Zoe Strauss
Untitled (Man in Miller Hat, Hemp Lover), from the series, "The Week of the Perfect Game", 2009
Zoe Strauss
The Greater Sutra of the Perfection of Wisdom (大般若波羅蜜多経), Chapter 485, 14th–15th century
Untitled (Woman Striker), from the series, "The Week of the Perfect Game", 2009
Zoe Strauss
Museum of Contemporary Art Proposal, Illinois Central Air-Rights East of Michigan Ave., Chicago, Illinois, Perspective Elevation, c. 1980
Harry Weese Associates
Open Shore, Competition Entry, Climatic Plazas Triptych, 2017
Ecosistema Urbano
Beverly Hills, California, from the series "American Prospects", May 1979, printed November 1986
Joel Sternfeld
Untitled (Frank on Sofa), from the series, "The Week of the Perfect Game", 2009
Zoe Strauss
Page from the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra (Astasahasrika Prajnaparamitasutra), 16th century
Untitled (If You Can Dream It), from the series, "The Week of the Perfect Game", 2009
Zoe Strauss
Untitled (Robert), from the series, "The Week of the Perfect Game", 2009
Zoe Strauss
Nine Perfect Religious Verses for the Solemn Investiture in the Monastery of S. Benedetto in Padua of the Noble Ladies and Countesses Orsola and Cecilia, Sisters Santonini (La Perfezione Religiosa Canti IX per la Solenne Vestizione nel Monistero di S. Benedetto in Padova Delle Nobili Signore Contesse Orsola e Cecilia Sorelle Santonini), 1763
Carlo Calcinotto
Perfection, Way, Origin, published 2001
Terry Winters
Untitled (Tiger Lounge), from the series, "The Week of the Perfect Game", 2009
Zoe Strauss