Stacks of Wheat, 1891
Claude Monet
Boy in the Country, 1857
Claude Monet
Cliffs and Sea, Sainte-Adresse, c. 1864
Claude Monet
Ia orana Maria (Hail Mary), 1894/95, published Mar. 1895
Paul Gauguin
Nativity (Mother and Child Surrounded by Five Figures), c. 1902
Paul Gauguin
Two Figures (related to the painting Tahitian Landscape), 1891/93
Paul Gauguin
Head of a Tahitian with Profile of Second Head to His Right, 1891/93
Paul Gauguin
Cover to Paul Gauguin: 10 Traesnit (Pola Gauguin Portfolio), 1921
Pola Gauguin
Title Page to Paul Gauguin: 10 Traesnit (Pola Gauguin Portfolio), 1921
Pola Gauguin
Pape moe, 1893/94
Paul Gauguin
Mahna no varua ino (The Devil Speaks), from the Noa Noa Suite, 1893/94, printed and published in 1921
Paul Gauguin
Three People, a Mask, a Fox and a Bird, headpiece forLe sourire, 1899, printed and published 1921
Paul Gauguin
Mahana atua (Day of the God), 1894/95, printed and published 1921
Paul Gauguin
Seated Tahitian Youth, 1894/1903
Paul Gauguin
Two Tahitian Women in a Landscape, c. 1892
Paul Gauguin
Projet d’assiette (Leda) (Design for a Plate [Leda]), frontispiece from the Volpini Suite, 1889, printed after 1911
Paul Gauguin
Auti te pape (Women at the River), from the Noa Noa Suite, 1894
Paul Gauguin
Auti te pape (Women at the River) from the Noa Noa Suite, 1893/94, printed and published 1921
Paul Gauguin
L’univers est créé (The Universe Is Being Created), from the Noa Noa Suite, 1893–94, printed and published 1921
Paul Gauguin
Nave nave fenua (Delightful Land), from the Noa Noa Suite, 1893/94, printed 1921
Paul Gauguin