Son of General Flo, Isle of Jersey (Le fils du général Flô), c. 1852/53
Charles Victor Hugo
Looking for an Overnight Accommodation on the Eighth of July, plate 5 from Croquis Parisiens, 1856
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Donbass Is Reviving!, September 1944
Viktor P. Sokolov
Pair of Shoes (Formely Belonging to Queen Victoria 1819–1901), c.1850
Gundry & Sons
The Actor: “- It's obvious that it is hot out there... only three spectators in the audience... should we really start?” The Director: “- And one of them is the refreshments vendor ... quickly raise the curtain before he has a chance to leave,” plate 1 from Paris L'été, 1856
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Two Medals Commemorating James McNeill Whistler, 1890–1908
Victor David Brenner
Betelgeuse, from Album I, 1955, published 1959
Victor de Vasarely
Glory to Railway Workers, Heroes of Socialist Labor, August 4, 1945
Viktor P. Sokolov
Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria Receiving the Sacrament at her Coronation, n.d.
George Baxter
Siméon, plate 521, 1835
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Victoria Ann, Sarasota, 1997, printed on 2003
Melissa Ann Pinney
Victor Hugo (French novelist, playwright, and poet, 1802-1885), 1875/76
Bertall et Cie.
The Rose Garden, 2001
Loretta Lux
Panel (Furnishing Fabric), c. 1840
Untitled, Modeled probably after 1860, cast 1930s/1960s
Style of Honoré Victorin Daumier
The Representative (Le représentant noue sa cravate), Modeled probably after 1860, cast around November 1954
Style of Honoré Victorin Daumier
Mr. Prudhomme: “- Obnoxious waves.... don't you know whom you are carrying in this moment?... oh audacious... know I shall, like Xerxes, whip you terribly. Mme Prudhomme: (shivering of fear) “- Pray, my dear friend, do not offend the sea any longer... you might wake its fury and it might devour us completely!,” plate 1 from Impressions Nautiques, 1859