Message from Degas, 1972–74
Helen Frankenthaler
The Long Road to Mazatlán, 1999
Isaac Julien
The Three Customers, n.d.
Randolph Caldecott
Untitled (My Mother, Me, Grandmother), November 1967
Unknown Maker
Untitled, c. 1960/69
Unknown Maker
Three Men with Dogs, n.d.
George Morland
The Three Brothers, Inverted, 1861/80
Carleton Watkins
Land's End, 1978
Jasper Johns
Holy Family in an Oval Frame, 1623
Ludolph Büsinck
Tanya, 1974
Robert Rauschenberg
Study for a Composition, 1940–41
Piet Mondrian
Elongated Foliate Dish with Fish and Central Floret, Liao (907–1124) or Jin dynasty (1115–1234), 10th/11th century
The Large Thistle, plate three from Les quatres grandes plantes, 1843
Eugène Blery
Untitled (May Weaver, Oressa), c. 1900/09
Unknown Maker
Three Pigs Lying in Front of a Shed, 1850
Charles Meryon
Kruchenikh Lives!: A Collection of Essays (Zhiv Kruchenykh!: Sbornik statei), 1925
Gustav G. Klutsis
The Actors Sanogawa Ichimatsu (right), Nakamura Tomijuro (center), and Nakamura Kumetaro (left), from A Comparison - Set of Three (Nazorae Sanpukutsui), c. 1753
Torii Kiyohiro
Three Large Trees on a Hill, plate five from Set of Landscapes, 1640/51
Herman Naijwincx
Untitled, c. 1950/59
Unknown Maker
Tripod Dish with Flying Goose, Stylized Flowers and Vines, Tang dynasty (618–907)