Three Girls and Boy in a Room; Boy and Girl Kissing in Another Room, from the series "Brooklyn Gang", 1959
Bruce Davidson
Untitled, c. 1950/59
Unknown Maker
Tango with Cows (Tango s Korovami), 1914
David Davidovich Burliuk
No. 20: Rain on the Hiratsuka Plain near Kutsukake Station (Niju: Kutsukake no eki, Hiratsukahara uchu no kei), from the series "[Sixty-nine Stations of the] Kisokaido (Kisokaido [rokujukyu tsugi no uchi])", c. 1835/36
Keisai Eisen
Entrance to Hotel du Soleil, 1910/20
Jean-Eugène-Auguste Atget
Two American Flags, Freed Iranian Hostage Tickertape Parade, New York City, January 20, 1981
Thomas Frederick Arndt
Sakanoshita—No. 49, from the series "Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido (Tokaido gojusan tsugi)," also known as the Reisho Tokaido, c. 1847/52
Utagawa Hiroshige
Sad Forebodings of What is Going to Happen, plate one from The Disasters of War, 1814/20, published 1863
Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes
Ejiri, from the series "Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido (Tokaido gojusan tsugi)," also known as the Tokaido with Poem (Kyoka iri Tokaido), c. 1837/42
Utagawa Hiroshige
Two Women on the Shore, 1898
Edvard Munch
Bull Grazing and Three Sheep, 1670
Adriaen van de Velde
Untitled (Portrait of Three Woman and a Man), 1858
Unknown Maker
Freed Iranian Hostage, Tickertape Parade, New York City, January 20, 1981
Thomas Frederick Arndt
Untitled, 1950/59
Unknown Maker
Three People, a Mask, a Fox and a Bird, headpiece for Le sourire, 1899