Patolu, 18th/19th century
Portière, 1901
George Washington Maher
Le Feu (Fire), 1926
Françoise Clarinval
Lazy Leaves (Drapery Fabric), c. 1953
Ruth Adler Schnee
The Pheasants from the "Verdures of the Vatican" Series, c. 1799
Jean-Demosthene Dugourc
Cope with Hood and Orphrey Band, 1725/75
Fragment, 14th century
Tulip Armchair, 1955/57
Eero Saarinen
Fragment, 13th/14th century
Fragment (Dress Fabric), 1601/25
Fukusa (Gift Cover), early Shôwa period (1926–1989), 1926/40
Fragment (Border), Late 19th century
M. Jesurum & Cie.