Cover (Furnishing Fabric), 19th century
Wiener Werkstätte Neustiftfasse 32 (Sample Book) (Dress or Furnishing Fabric), c. 1910
Martha Alber
Fragment, Meiji period (1868–1912), 1875/1900
Portrait of Joseph Marie Jacquard (1752–1834), 19th century
Claude Bonnefond
Aba (Dress for Child or Young Woman), 19th or early 20th century
Vase with Cover, 1678-80
Grieksche A Factory
Tankard (Hanap) with Tulips, Hyacinths, Roses, and Carnations, Ottoman dynasty (1299–1923), Late 16th century
Hanging, 1960s/70s
Claire Zeisler
Table Carpet (Depicting Scenes from the Life of Christ), 1600/50
Celestial Chaos No. 1, 2014
Tai Xiangzhou
The Holy Family with the Infant Christ Pressing the Wine of the Eucharist, 1485/1525
Bridal Long Pao (Dragon Robe), 1875/90, Qing dynasty (1644–1911)