The Ruins of Osaka Castle at Night, 1956
Hashimoto Okiie
Venus Healing Aeneas, c. 1820
Merry Joseph Blondel
Courage, 1516/20
Marco Dente da Ravenna
Les Altheas, 1914/20
Raoul Dufy
Painter and Model, July 20, 1970
Pablo Picasso
The Great Bullfight with Female Bullfighter, September 8, 1934, printed April 1939
Pablo Picasso
Phrosine and Mélidore, 1797
Pierre Paul Prud'hon
Female Bullfighter. Last Kiss?, June 12, 1934, printed April 1939
Pablo Picasso
The Dream and Lie of Franco (Plate II), January 8–9, 1937, completed June 7, 1937
Pablo Picasso
Toil of Three, 1919–20
Arthur B. Davies
Ausable River, Ausable Chasm, NY, ed. 20/30, October 1988
John Pfahl
Variation on the Theme of Las Meninas: Visitors to the Studio, February 18, 1955
Pablo Picasso
Pair of Chestnut Urns, 1790/1800
Portrait of André Rivet, 1647
Jonas Suyderhoef
Saint Christopher Carrying the Christ Child, 1515/20
Albrecht Altdorfer
Black Square, Second State, 1915/20
Kasimir Malevich
A15: New York Parlor, 1850-70, c. 1940
Narcissa Niblack Thorne
A13: New England Bedroom, 1750-1850, c. 1940
Narcissa Niblack Thorne