Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1972
Lee Friedlander
Picnic Ground, Glendale, California, 1955/56
Robert Frank
George Tooker, 1945, printed 1959
George Platt Lynes
Luchow's Restaurant, 110 East 14th Street, Manhattan, October 26, 1938
Berenice Abbott
Canyon de Chelly, Arizona, 1983
Lee Friedlander
Still Life with Triangle and Eraser, New York, January 23, 1985, printed 1985
Irving Penn
Chicago 224, 1953
Aaron Siskind
Peasant Children, Westerwald, 1927/31, printed later
August Sander
Title Page, from The Pocket Size Tlingit Coffin, 1976
Gérard Titus-Carmel
Lion (3/4 View), 1986, printed 1986
Irving Penn
Untitled (Plate 61), NYC, 2005, printed 2007
Len Prince
Camera Obscura Image of Building Cluster in Office, LaSalle Bank, Chicago, 2005
Abelardo Morell
Public Park, Cleveland, Ohio, 1955/56
Robert Frank
Black Hat and White Face, New York, (Carolyn Murphy), June 24, 1997, printed January 1998
Irving Penn
New York City, 1935
Henri Cartier-Bresson
"Hilton Head Island, S.C., USA, June 27, 1992," from Beach Portraits, 1992
Rineke Dijkstra
The Visit (La Visita), 1935, printed 1977
Manuel Alvarez-Bravo
Study for Actual Size (Munich Depression), 1969
Michael Heizer
Eugene Ionesco, New York, October 21, 1983, printed 1984
Irving Penn
The Fae Richards Photo Archive, 1993–96
Zoe Leonard