Child of Florence, Italy, October 25, 1948, printed c. 1948
Irving Penn
Iron Worker, Chicago, 1968
Jonas Dovydenas
Light of Truth Universal Shrine (LOTUS), Yogaville, Buckingham, Virginia, from the series "Sweet Earth: Experimental Utopias in America", April 2004
Joel Sternfeld
Factory, Detroit, 1955/56
Robert Frank
Nude No. 150, New York, 1949/50, printed June/July 1989
Irving Penn
C, 2007
Neil Winokur
Nonny Gardner Album, 1937/42
Irving Penn
André Kertész (C), New York, March 14, 1983, printed December 1999
Irving Penn
Woman with Cannon (Dots), from the series House Beautiful: Bringing the War Home, 1967–72
Martha Rosler
Angel of the Earthquake (Angel del Temblor), 1957, printed 1977
Manuel Alvarez-Bravo
61 rue du Maire, 1910
Jean-Eugène-Auguste Atget
Virginia in the Sun, from the series "Immediate Family", 1985
Sally Mann
Eagle Art Works Foundry, 6700 Southwest Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri, from the series "On This Site: Landscape in Memoriam", August 1993
Joel Sternfeld
"Hilton Head Island, S.C., USA, June 22, 1992," from Beach Portraits, 1992
Rineke Dijkstra
Negative Portrait, 1925/29
László Moholy-Nagy
Wanamaker Fire, East 10th Street and Astor Place, NYC, 1956
Robert Frank
Bungalows, Chicago’s Southwest Side, Just West of Midway Airport, from the series "Revealing Chicago" (2003-2004), May 12, 2003
Terry Evans
Bar, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1955/56
Robert Frank
Illustration of the Principles of The Uplift Bra "-in compliance with and/or defiance of women's lib and the exploitation of the female form as object," Fullerton, CA, 1960/85