Saint Gregory of Utrecht, from Saints of the North and South Netherlands, 1650
Cornelis Visscher
Saint Frederick of Utrecht, from Saints of the North and South Netherlands, 1650
Cornelis Visscher
Saint Jerome of Schotland, from Saints of the North and South Netherlands, 1650
Cornelis Visscher
War Dance, from McKenney and Hall's Indian Tribes of North America, 1838
John T. Bowen
Lambert H. Ennis House, Evanston, Illinois: Sections: South and North Walls, n.d.
William Ferguson Deknatel
Theodore H. and Sally D. Seyfarth House, North Barrington, Illinois, Elevation, 1977
Hammond, Beeby and Babka
Theodore H. and Sally D. Seyfarth House, North Barrington, Illinois, Elevation, 09/09/1977
Hammond, Beeby and Babka
Vessel with a Relief Depicting a Procession of Deceased Figures, 100 BCE–500 CE
An Old Maid on a Journey, published November 20, 1804
James Gillray
Jericho Mills, North Anna, Virginia, May 1864
Alexander Gardner
Pont y Pair over the River Conway above Llanrwst in the County of Denbigh, plate twelve from Twelve Views in North Wales, 1776
Paul Sandby
Polychrome Jar, c. 1890
Blanket or Rug, 1910/20
Navajo (Diné)
Chicago Tribune Tower Competition Entry: Side Elevation, 1922
Richard Yoshijiro Mine
Vase, 1932–42
Jugtown Pottery
A Fair Reward Presented in 1800 by the Un-Prudish Savages of North America to Louis-Philippe of Orléans, surgeon and expatriate, but still a Frenchman. (I salute you, gracious Black Lady, the Lord is with you.) A Namaquan Ave Maria, plate 466, 1835
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Seyfarth Residence, North Barrington, Illinois, Plans and Elevations, 1977
Hammond, Beeby and Babka
Fish Ornament from the Oliver Building, Chicago, Illinois, 1907-08 (removed about 1969)
Holabird and Roche
St. Mark's, Venice No. 1, plate one from the North Italian Set, 1895
David Young Cameron
Hunting the Buffaloe, from McKenney and Hall's Indian Tribes of North America, 1837