Gourd-Shaped Blackware Jar with Modeled Monkey Handle, 1000–1450
Wynnstay, Seat of Sir Watkin Williams Wynn Bart, from a Cottage above the New Bridge over the River Dee, Denbigh Shire, plate two from Twelve Views in North Wales, 1776
Paul Sandby
View to the North from Asuka Hill (Asukayama kita no chobo), from the series "One Hundred Famous Views of Edo (Meisho Edo hyakkei)", 1856
Utagawa Hiroshige
Theodore H. and Sally D. Seyfarth House, North Barrington, Illinois, Elevation, 1977
Hammond, Beeby and Babka
Theodore H. and Sally D. Seyfarth House, North Barrington, Illinois, Elevation, 09/09/1977
Hammond, Beeby and Babka
Lambert H. Ennis House, Evanston, Illinois: Sections: South and North Walls, n.d.
William Ferguson Deknatel
Ticonderoga - Lower Falls, North Side, No. 654 from the series "Crystal", 1870/76
Seneca Ray Stoddard
Saint Egbert the Abbot, from Saints of the North and South Netherlands, 1650
Cornelis Visscher
Saint Gregory of Utrecht, from Saints of the North and South Netherlands, 1650
Cornelis Visscher
Saint Frederick of Utrecht, from Saints of the North and South Netherlands, 1650
Cornelis Visscher
Saint Jerome of Schotland, from Saints of the North and South Netherlands, 1650