Untitled, from the series "Metamorphosis through Light", 1936
Helmar Lerski
Light Expelling Darkness,-Evaporation of Stygian Exhalations,-or-The Sun of the Constitution, Rising Superior to the Clouds of Opposition, published April 30, 1795
James Gillray
Spring, 1857
Charles François Daubigny
It was a Religious Mystery, plate four from Love, 1898, published 1899
Maurice Denis
Stormy Weather, 1845
Charles François Daubigny
Winter, 1846
Charles Émile Jacque
Belvedere, 1960
Pierre Courtin
180 Square Meters Drawing, 2011–2016
Noero Architects
The Sad Ones, 1935/42
Arthur Hershel Lidov
Portrait of the Painter Baron François Gérard, before 1837
Jean François Gigoux
The Fairy of the Alps, first plate, 1873
Henri Fantin-Latour
Life Becomes Precious, Discreet, plate eleven from Love, 1898, published 1899
Maurice Denis
Rectangular Shard, Song dynasty (960–1279)
Peach, Ming dynasty (1368–1644)
Untitled, from Ten West Coast Artists, 1967
Felix Ruvolo
Remembrance of Italy, 1871
Jean Baptiste Camille Corot
The Philosophers' Retreat, 1871
Jean Baptiste Camille Corot
Arc de Triomphe, from Some Aspects of Paris Life, 1899
Pierre Bonnard
The Morning Bouquet, Tears, plate three from Love, 1898, published 1899