Untitled (Imprints of a no. 50 brush repeated at regular intervals of 30 cm), 1974
Niele Toroni
Untitled (Robe), 1976
Jim Dine
Study for Hallway, 1969
Sylvia Plimack Mangold
Covered Vessel with the Principal Bird and Peccary Heads, 200–300 CE
The Size of the Dot, 1961
Larry Poons
Pair of Vases, 1906–19
Tiffany Studios (Firm)
Cancelled Crop–Direct Seeding, 1969, from Projects, 1973
Dennis Oppenheim
Circle Branch Circle, c. 1967
Alan Saret
Stinger, 1967–68/2006
Tony Smith
Circle In and Out of a Polygon 2, 1973
Robert Mangold
Grey Felt, Aluminum, 1967
Barry Le Va
8" Measurement, 1969
Mel Bochner
Late Entry to the Tribune Tower Competition, 1980
Robert A. M. Stern
Ca' d'Oro, Venice, Italy, Travel Sketch, 1886
Irving Kane Pond
San Marco Basilica, Venice, Italy, Travel Sketch, 1886
Irving Kane Pond
Red Circle, 1964
Lenore Tawney
Untitled, 1965
Robert Barry