Untitled, 1945
Leon Polk Smith
Ground Mutations, 1969, from Projects, 1973
Dennis Oppenheim
Quilt, c. 1930
Belle Wright
Sideboard, Designed 1867, made c. 1876
Edward William Godwin
gwrath, 2005
Rodney Carswell
New York Sound Drawing 2, 1977
Edda Renouf
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, 1928
Arthur Rackham
House in LaSalle, Illinois, Perspective Rendering, 1904
Pond and Pond
Rocked Circle–Fear, 1970, from Projects, 1973
Dennis Oppenheim
Early Rutgers Drawing, 1966
Keith Sonnier
Sheridan Grace Apartment Building, Chicago, Illinois, Working Drawings, 1926–1928
B. Leo Steif & Co.
Dr. David Irving, 1843/47
David Octavius Hill
Dr. David Irving, 1843/47
David Octavius Hill
Project for an Inverted Pyramid: Oblique Section, 1975
Alice Aycock
Untitled (The Christ Child), mid 1950s
Irving Petlin
Underfoot X, New York, August/September 2000, printed February 22, 2001
Irving Penn
Underfoot XVIII, New York, August/September 2000, printed March 8, 2001
Irving Penn
Underfoot XIX, New York, August/September 2000, printed March 2, 2001
Irving Penn
Gamblers Celebration, 1955
Irving Petlin
Nesting Basket (one of a set), c. 1956
Irving Burnside